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Special Recognition

Help us in congratulating the PSWRC 2023 NAHRO Award & Fellowship Recipients 

2023 NAHRO Fellows:


Patricia Wells

Oakland Housing Authority, 
Executive Director


Rob Fredericks

Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara, Executive Director

Outstanding Professional of the Year:

Lisa Baker.png

Lisa Baker

Winters, CA,


2023 awards of merit

Orchard Arms Solar Project

The Orchard Arms Solar Project highlights the Los Angeles County Development Authority’s (LACDA) efforts to operate its public housing sites in an environmentally friendly manner. The project involved the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) energy systems at its public housing sites, providing not only clean and renewable energy but also lowering resident electricity costs by 30-40%. Additionally, instead of a typical roof installation, LACDA constructed steel carports to support the solar panels removing barriers to routine maintenance.

Ehecatl Lepe,


Los Angeles County Development Authority

700 W Main St., Alhambra, CA 91801-3312

Phone: (626) 233-2515


Nominated for Excellence

Video Camera Monitoring Center

The Oakland Housing Authority Police Department (OHAPD) created the Video Camera Monitoring Center, a central monitoring hub connected to onsite cameras at OHA properties. Each unit contains three separate cameras — allowing for a wide range of vision — and cellular data modem — allowing remote-control capabilities. The monitoring system is a collection of LED display monitors that work as one screen and allows the user to either monitor multiple properties simultaneously or focus on one location. This system enables staff to monitor properties in real time and quickly dispatch police, maintenance workers, or other staff.


Julie Christiansen

Assistant Director

Oakland Housing Authority

1619 Harrison St Ofc 2 Oakland, CA 94612-3307

Phone: (510) 874-1511


Buena Esperanza — Permanent Supportive Housing

A prototype for California’s $2.75 billion Homekey program, the City of Anaheim Housing Authority’s Buena Esperanza in Anaheim, CA is one of the State’s first motel conversion projects, and a pioneer effectively housing people experiencing homelessness. Buena Esperanza is an adaptive reuse of a blighted, two-story former Econo Lodge Motel and Anaheim’s first motel conversion under the City’s new streamlined entitlement process adopted as a city-wide ordinance. It provides Permanent Supportive Housing for 69 at-risk or formerly homeless residents and is dedicated to serving individuals with mental health conditions and Veterans.


Nadia Martinez

Acting Management Assistant

City of Anaheim Housing Authority

201 S Anaheim Blvd Ste 203 Anaheim, CA 92805-3858

Phone: (714) 765-4300 EXT 4838


Nominated for Excellence

Monarch at Chinatown  Mixed-Use Residential and Commercial Space Revitalization

Fresno Housing Authority’s The Monarch at Chinatown is a mixed-use development that includes residential and commercial spaces in the heart of Chinatown in Fresno, CA. This four-story infill development is a zero-net energy affordable workforce housing development providing a total of 57 one-, two- and three-bedroom units, a community room and approximately 4,700 square feet of commercial space.


Marc Bady

Chief Diversity Officer

Fresno Housing Authority

1331 Fulton St Fresno, CA 93721-1630

Phone: (559) 443-8475


Phoenix Housing Department Develops COVID Reopening Plan for  Senior Housing Sites

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the emotional toll on Phoenix Housing Department (PHD) senior residents was painfully evident. PHD’s Property Management division developed and activated a multi-tier COVID reopening plan to re-establish specialized services that support the overall well-being of senior residents.


Sonya Blanco

Management Assistant II

City of Phoenix Housing Department

251 W Washington St 4th Fl Phoenix, AZ 85003-2245 Phone: (602) 534-1065


Credit-Building Loan Program

To increase opportunities for self-sufficiency and quality of life for families with low income, the San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) offered a credit- building loan program in collaboration with the Local Initiatives Support Corporation and the International Rescue Committee Center for Economic Opportunity. The program consists of a series of installment loans with no interest charges helped borrowers build their credit scores. Offered through the SDHC Achievement Academy, this program enrolled 78 participants, for whom 123 loans totaling more than $237,000 were disbursed. Half of the participants increased their credit score; 51% increased their net worth; and 45 percent increased their net income.


Scott Marshall

VP of Communications and Government Relations

San Diego Housing Commission

1122 Broadway Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92101-5629 Phone: (619) 578-7544


Nominated for Excellence

HACLA Law Clerk Academy

In 2020, the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) established a formal law clerk program in its Legal Department to identify, train, and produce the next generation of legal leaders in the affordable housing industry. Participating law clerks were provided mentoring, and were able to see firsthand the important services HACLA provides the community. Upon completion of the program, the participating clerks became “HACLA alumni,” and received information about permanent job opportunities at HACLA. These law clerks are expected to be ambassadors for HACLA for years to come.


James Johnson

General Counsel

Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles

2600 Wilshire Blvd Fl 3 Los Angeles, CA 90057-3400

Phone: (213) 252-2719


Nominated for Excellence

Bond Recycling

The San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) is one of the first agencies in the state to partner with the California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA) to recycle tax-exempt Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, a limited but essential source of financing for affordable housing development. A shortage of these bonds has significantly slowed the production of affordable housing in California. Bond recycling allows for the use of bond capacity that is normally lost, and recycles bonds into a new project, without the use of tax credits. SDHC has successfully recycled more than $75 million in bonds, awarding them to three developments with more than 700 affordable rental units.


Scott Marshall

VP of Communications and Government Relations

San Diego Housing Commission

1122 Broadway Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92101-5629 Phone: (619) 578-7544


Nominated for Excellence

Sacramento Homekey Program

In order to reduce COVID-19 exposure risk for 5,500 people living on the streets of Sacramento, CA, the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency partnered with an affordable housing developer to acquire and convert Woodsprings Suites, a local hotel, into La Mancha permanent supportive housing for 100 formerly homeless individuals. The $25 million project utilized a $14.5 million award from the California Homekey Program.


Angela Jones

Public Information Officer

Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency

801 12th St Sacramento, CA 95814-2947

Phone: (916) 440-1319


Nominated for Excellence

Rosefield Village

In 2022, the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) completed the new construction and lease up of the Rosefield Village community, now providing 92 affordable homes for mixed income family households, ranging from 20-80% Area Median Income range. Rosefield Village, once the site of 46 fifties-era modular townhomes, is an intergenerational community with a preference for households that live or work in Alameda. Onsite services provided by AHA’s partner, LifeSTEPS including case management counseling and wellness activities.


Vanessa Cooper

Executive Director

Housing Authority of the City of Alameda

701 Atlantic Ave Alameda, CA 94501-2161

Phone: (510) 747-4320


Nominated for Excellence

Fresno Housing Community Safety Initiative

The Fresno Housing Authority (FHA) embarked on a Community Safety Initiative that engaged residents residing in the Southwest and Southeast Fresno communities. The initiative targeted 12 properties, 884 units, impacting 2500 residents, half of whom were youth. FHA used a three-phase approach to address the initiative, ranging from a needs assessment survey, data analysis of the assessment, development, and implementation of the Safety Coalition and Community Engagement programs to support this initiative.


Marc Bady

Chief Diversity Officer

Fresno Housing Authority

1331 Fulton St Fresno, CA 93721-1630

Phone: (559) 443-8475


Emergency Housing Voucher Program

The San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) helped eligible families lease rental homes with federal Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) more quickly than many other jurisdictions in California and nationwide, even amid the challenges of a high-cost, low-vacancy rental housing market. SDHC’s extensive housing navigation efforts, the payment standards SDHC established through its Choice Communities Initiative, and collaboration with service providers are among the reasons cited in news coverage for SDHC’s EHV success.


Scott Marshall

VP of Communications and Government Relations

San Diego Housing Commission

1122 Broadway Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92101-5629 Phone: (619) 578-7544


Nominated for Excellence

Emergency Housing Voucher Implementation

After the Oakland Housing Authority (OHA) was awarded 515 Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHVs) in May 2021, they executed an MOU with the local Continuum of Care to receive eligible referrals and an agreement with other Alameda County PHAs to collaborate, creating referral and portability efficiencies. Other unique, replicable and creative implementation strategies included: an electronic application process for County partners; a “common” application across PHAs for ease of submission; the first publicly available refreshed daily EHV dashboard; expansion of existing incentives for owners; and new incentives for applicants and residents to speed leasing and support residents to achieve stable housing.


Julie Christiansen

Assistant Director

Oakland Housing Authority

1619 Harrison St Ofc 2 Oakland, CA 94612-3307 Phone: (510) 874-1511


Soluna Apartments

Gorman & Company and the City of Phoenix Housing Department developed Soluna Apartments, a 177-unit affordable and market-rate Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) project designed to improve the Edison-Eastlake Community (EEC), an aged neighborhood located one mile east of downtown. Soluna, a quality mixed-income housing option at an affordable cost, has helped to revitalize the EEC, deconcentrate poverty and instill community pride. Developed in two phases, Soluna represents the first mixed-income development as part of the CNI revitalization efforts ensuring long-term housing affordability. Soluna I and II were developed using 9% and 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credits, respectively.


Nichelle Zazueta-Bonow

Housing Manager

City of Phoenix Housing Department

251 W Washington St 4th Fl Phoenix, AZ 85003-2245 Phone: (602) 534-0290

Email: Nominated for Excellence

Mariner’s Village Rehabilitation

Using a unique income-averaging approach to apply for low-income housing tax credits, the San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) worked with its nonprofit affiliate, Housing Development Partners (HDP), to secure financing and complete the first comprehensive rehabilitation of Mariner’s Village in 34 years. This project extended the years of affordability for the 170 deed-restricted affordable rental housing units at Mariner’s Village for households with income between 40% and 80% of San Diego’s Area Median Income. The rehabilitation upgraded unit interiors as well as exterior areas throughout the property.


Scott Marshall

VP of Communications and Government Relations

San Diego Housing Commission

1122 Broadway Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92101-5629 Phone: (619) 578-7544


Nominated for Excellence

Earvin “Magic” Johnson Park Phase 1A

At 120-acres, the Los Angeles County Development Authority’s Earvin “Magic” Johnson Park (the Park), is the largest open space in the unincorporated community of Willowbrook located in South Los Angeles, and an integral recreational and community asset. Once the site of an oil storage facility, the Park, and its new event center, have sustainably transformed the urban landscape for this under-served community. For example: The innovative stormwater treatment system allows for water runoff recycling, providing the Park with a sustainable water source.


Susana Oliveros

Project Manager

Los Angeles County Development Authority

700 W Main St Alhambra, CA 91801-3312

Phone: (626) 586-1782


Nominated for Excellence

Strategies to Improved Landlord Satisfaction and Retention

In 2020, the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino formed a Landlord Outreach Committee tasked with identifying, recommending, and implementing strategies to increase landlord participation and overall satisfaction with our rental assistance programs. A Landlord Satisfaction Survey was used to identify motivations, service needs, and possible improvements. Based on the survey results, HACSB revised its leasing processes, increased outreach and education, and developed a Moving to Work landlord incentive activity to provide signing bonuses and damage mitigation. These changes have improved landlord participation in our rental assistance programs.


Nicole Beydler

Director of Policy and Public Relations

Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino 715 E Brier Dr San Bernardino, CA 92408-2841

Phone: (909) 890-0644


Nominated for Excellence

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